Woman holding a "I can't breathe" sign at a police brutality protest

Police misconduct is one of the most serious and complex problems facing BIPOC communities today.

The attorneys at Martin & Martin have represented victims of police misconduct for many years, and we continue to be ever-vigilant when fighting for justice against police misconduct.

We will review your case and determine the best course of action. We are dedicated to holding police officers accountable for misconduct, and we will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

Between 2017 and 2022, 6,099 people were shot to death by the police in the US. – Statista

Police Misconduct Can be Deadly

Victims of police brutality can suffer long-term trauma, life-changing physical injuries and even death.  Victims of police misconduct may also suffer substantial loss of current and future income. They may also lose their jobs, homes and sense of safety. Our attorneys understand the emotional toll that negative encounters with police who abuse their authority can cause. We can help you get back on your feet, get medical care and recover damages for the violations of your civil rights. If a loved one is killed during an encounter with police, you and other family members may be entitled to compensation.

Have You Been A Victim of Police Brutality?

Get the justice you deserve.

Possible Cases of Police Misconduct

  • Unwarranted Use of Force occurs when an officer uses more force than necessary to apprehend a suspect or subdue a situation.
  • Excessive Force occurs when an officer uses more force than necessary, which often results in serious injury or death.
  • False Arrest is when an officer arrests someone without probable cause or a warrant.
  • Racial Profiling is when an officer targets someone based on their race or ethnicity.

Lawyers for Police Misconduct Cases

When you call Martin & Martin, you will be speaking with an attorney who has successfully represented many clients in police misconduct cases. Our attorneys are not only here to help you through your case, but we will also give you the guidance and tools you need to move forward.

Turn to the Experts. Contact Us Today.

If you are the victim of any type of police misconduct, please contact our office. Our attorneys will leave no stone unturned and ensure that your case has a solid base so you can get the compensation you deserve.